É UMA RUA, Amadora

Currently, and since January 2022, this Street Outreach Technical Team operates in the Águas Livres parish, municipality of Amadora, following the philosophy of Harm Reduction and Damage Minimization (HRDM), with vulnerable populations. This team prioritizes close work with the target audience and the community.

Funding partners

Target Group

People in a homeless situation
People who consume licit and illicit psychoactive substances
Sex workers


To promote public and individual health through an intervention focused on Harm Reduction and Damage Minimization associated with psychoactive substance consumption practices.

To promote Human Rights and Citizenship of consumers, fostering an attitude of accountability and autonomy.

Our Intervention

É UMA RUA, Amadora

Areas of Operation

Águas Livres – Amadora

Águas Livres

Daily Routes

Pre-defined daily routes covering the main neighborhoods and areas of consumption and trafficking in the Águas Livres parish, in the municipality of Amadora.

Operanting Hours

Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM.


Harm Reduction and Damage Minimization

Promotion of public and individual health

Proximity intervention

Individual intervention

Establishment of rapport

Promotion of trust relationship

Direct approach

Promotion of an attitude of autonomy

Walking through locations

Meeting people at consumption sites

Consideration for cultural and ecological factors

Use of language appropriate to the target group


Socio-demographic characterization of the target population

Distribution and exchange of sterile consumption materials

Syringe Exchange Program

Pipe kits


Distribution of condoms

Distribution of informational materials

Education and awareness-raising for safer consumption practices

Psychosocial support

Psychological support

Medical observation and assessment

General clinic


Medical and nursing care

Support in taking prescription drugs

Close coordination with partner entities

Referral to health and treatment facilities

Referral for infectious disease screening

Referral to social support structures

Transportation, mediation, and accompaniment to various health and social support facilities

Collection of syringes found at consumption sites

Promotion of neighborhood cleaning activities


"You come where no one else comes."


"I believe you have already saved lives because, for example, there were cases here of people who were in very bad shape, and Raquel and her colleagues are right there and also feel the heartbeat of this small cosmos. I think it's very important for them to be in contact, I also think it's very important for them to distribute syringes and distribute filters for people to smoke."


"It was they who referred me to a shelter where I am currently sleeping. If it weren't for them, I would be sleeping out in the cold, in the rain, with bugs. And they are the ones who showed me a path, a right place for me to sleep every day."


"They helped me with my citizen card and they are helping me to go to a community to recover a little better the life that a person can have. Because for many years I was living a life of substance use, and some time ago I also got to know the Street Team, and at this moment I turned to them for help and I am starting to begin a new stage. I've already sorted out my citizen card and I really want to go to a community with their help, and I'll be very happy to go, and I think it will be good."


"They took me off the streets, put me in a community where I managed to get to know myself again and find joy in life again because I was close to either ending up in jail or ending up dead, and I owe them... and that's why the respect I have for them and the work they do is, as I said before, priceless, it really is."


Technical Team

Social Worker, Peer, and Nurse