3D Project © Tétris
In 2021, we are going to create É UMA MESA, a new project in the catering area, which aims to be an innovative response to social inclusion through the labor market. A restaurant which is open to the public, where the service will be provided by people in vulnerable situations, namely, homeless people, people in situations of extreme poverty and refugees.
This is another supported employment project, which follows the success and impact already obtained by our other social activity – É UM RESTAURANTE.
É UMA MESA will take place in Carnide, in Bairro Padre Cruz, and it is expected that the space may also contribute to dynamize and demystify the neighborhood where it is located.
People in homelessness or in extreme
poverty situation and refugees.
To integrate annually 75 beneficiaries into training;
To integrate annually 40 beneficiaries into the labor market;
To improve the social and health conditions of the beneficiaries;
To ensure that the trainees do not return to homelessness;
Make the project self-sustainable after 3 years;
Attract a diverse public to the neighborhood.
Rua do Rio Cávado 3, 2º andar, Lisboa
Supported employment response, where the beneficiaries are trained in relational and technical skills and receive psychosocial support in order to give them all the tools for a full integration in the labor market and consequently in society.
The project is subject to a continuous monitoring process from the moment of its implementation. Different qualitative and quantitative indicators obtained through different evaluation procedures were considered, which are detailed in the following point.
Selection of candidates;
Follow-up and support during the whole process;
Training in relational and social skills;
Training in the service and catering skills;
On-the-job training in the restaurant itself;
Professional internship in partner restaurants.
Monitoring Indicators
Number of customers served by the restaurant, revenues and expenses;
Number of protocols/partnerships created;
Number of integrated beneficiaries into the project;
Number of individual projects developed;
Number of beneficiaries who finished the training;
Level of professional skills acquired;
Level of acquired skills for integration into the labor market;
Number of beneficiaries having a stable housing situation;
Number of integrated people into the labor market;
Number of people who had their health needs satisfied;
Level of change in health behaviors;
Level of integration in the community and development of skills from the citizenship exercises.
Technical Team
Project coordinator, Psychologist, Consultant Chef, Executive Chef, Head of Room
Would you like to know more about our project?
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© CRESCER 2021
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